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CV22 • Tian Tu
Conception Vessel • 22
Conception Vessel Points
CV22 . Tian Tu CV22 . Tian Tu
CV22 • Tian Tu • Conception Vessel 22 Celestial Chimney. Meeting Point on the Conception Vessel with the Yin Linking Vessel. Minor Window of the Sky Point.
Location: In the suprasternal fossa, on the anterior midline, just above the jugular notch.
Lowers Rebellious Qi
Benefits The Throat
Alleviates Cough And Wheezing
Benefits The Voice
Asthma • Chest Discomfort • Cough • Dyspnea • Goiter • Hiccough • Loss Of Voice Sudden • Neck Nodular Growths • Neck Swelling Posterior • Sputum with Blood and Pus • Throat Constriction • Throat Disorders • Throat Dryness • Throat Infections • Throat Soreness • Voice Hoarse • Vomiting •